In our last episode for 2020, Killer Growth, @canion reveals his Clooney connections, @Burk shares time-tracking wisdom and @martinfeld jabbers about cinema. Listen and subscribe!
The final episode of 2020! Coming your way on 12/31! 👀
In episode 015, @canion and I explained Milo to @burk. Subsequently in our public Discord, listener @gaby requested a tutorial on how to enjoy Australia’s beloved liquid snack. Check out Flavours with Feld: a detailed video on how you too can enjoy Milo! 😀
In the latest full-length episode, You Need to Go Back to Med School!, we share our tech origin stories. 🖥 Also @Burk comes up with with a weird business idea, @canion wrangles with how to define the iPod and @martinfeld’s handwriting is put under the microscope. Have a listen!
The podcast bombardment continues! Before our next full episode, in HVmini // Huntsmen, Gobbledoks and Bluebirds, @martinfeld and @canion terrify @Burk with personal stories concerning native Australian wildlife, then reminisce about a fine Japanese automobile. Listen today!
In 1984, a 66 cent jar of Vegemite became the first product scanned at checkout in Australia at a Woolworths. The historic item is now on display at the chain’s head office in New South Wales.
Listen to episode 013 of Hemispheric Views: HVmini // Vincent’s Desk! For this instalment, we discuss the latest desk submission from friend of the show @vincent. The burning question this time is: how can one be so neat?!
Listen to episode 012 of Hemispheric Views: HVmini // Gabriel’s Desk! This time, friend of the show @Gaby has submitted his work desk for review. Of course, we all have thoughts! Join us as we analyse the image. ZOOM… ENHANCE!
Hemispheric Views 🎙
HVmini // Craig’s Desk“Friend of the show Craig has submitted his work desk for review. We all have thoughts.”
Hemispheric Views 🎙
My First Dongle Arrived!“As usual, things get a bit crazy on the show. Jason drinks multiple beverages at once? Andrew goes overboard on Media Corner. Martin is shocked to discover that he is actually from the future! Is there an almanac for that?”
Hello World! 🎙
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